Commons:Supressió de revisions
La supressió de la revisió (també RevisionDelete o RevDel) és una part del programari Commons (MediaWiki) que permet als administradors d'ocultar selectivament a la vista pública publicacions, versions de fitxers i entrades de registre, també permet a qualsevol administrador revisar l'ús correcte de l'eina. Les entrades encara apareixen a la wiki pública (com a elements inaccessibles, amb el contingut original eliminat) i qualsevol usuari pot sol·licitar a un administrador que revisi una acció RevisionDelete per determinar si la seva eliminació era raonable. Tingueu en compte que RevisionDelete no suprimeix dades dels servidors de Commons, sinó que només les amaga de la vista pública. Els administradors poden veure el contingut RevisionDeleted i, si cal, revertir-ne la supressió.
Visió general
To hide or unhide a revision or a log entry, admins can click a small "(del/undel)" button next to a relevant revision, diff, or log entry. There are normally three options to choose from:
- Delete revision text
- Delete edit comment
- Delete editor's username/IP
In addition, users with the suppressrevision
right (namely oversighters) have an additional option, to Suppress data from administrators as well as others.
Quan es pot fer servir Revision Deletion
Currently there are no specific guidelines for use of the Revision Deletion tool. It is considered an additional tool for enforcing other Commons policies, and so for example may be used in all cases where regular deletions are permitted but where just a revision needs to be removed. Because of the effects on transparency, it should be used with appropriate caution.
The standard reasons presented to administrators when using the tool (from MediaWiki:Revdelete-reason-dropdown) are:
- Copyright violation
- Inappropriate personal information
- Potentially libelous content
- Purely disruptive material
- Grossly insulting, degrading, or offensive material
- PD-Art image with non-free frame
- Non-public identifying or personal information
- User edited while logged-out, revealing IP
Note that this list is in no way exhaustive; the standard reasons are merely provided for convenience, and administrators may provide any reason they wish (though it should be reasonably clear what policy or policies are being enforced). Other common uses include:
- As the result of a deletion request where only one version of a file requires deletion
- To delete a version of a file which includes an identifiable person in a private location who has not given consent to the upload (see Commons:Fotografies de persones identificables)
La supressió de la revisió utilitzat amb moderació
Please note that revision deletion is used sparingly and is not (for example) used to hide the fact that there were several unsuccessful attempts at uploading variants of an image, or that there has been some back-and-forth over which of two versions of an image to use. Discussions about revision deletion consume participant time, deleting revisions consumes administrator time, and deleting revisions does not save any disk storage space.
Com sol·licitar la supressió de la revisió
In order to avoid the Streisand effect, there is no dedicated on-wiki forum for requesting RevDel for privacy reasons. You can send a message to any administrator either at their talk page or by email if privacy is a concern. You can also request revision deletion on IRC using #wikimedia-commons. If the revision you're reporting could be subject to oversight, follow the procedures at Commons:Oversight.
For some cases, there are specific templates to request revision deletion:
- {{Non-free frame revdel}} – to request deletion of old revisions of a PD-Art image with non-free frame, where the non-free frame has been cropped out in recent revisions
- {{Non-free embedded revdel}} – to request deletion of old revisions of files that have non-free elements, where those elements have been removed in recent revisions
- {{Overwritten revdel}} – to request deletion of revisions with unknown source, authorship and/or licensing which have been uploaded in violation of Commons:Sobreescriure fitxers existents
Recurs, discussió i reversió d'accions
Actions performed using this tool remain visible in the public logs. They are subject to review by other administrators (who can see the revision-deleted material), either at their own discretion or on request. As with other administrative tools, good judgment and appropriate use are expected; improper use can lead to sanctions or desysopping.
Revision deletion is expected to be used sparingly, and disputed cases should not normally be reversed without either prior agreement with the deleting admin or a consensus emerging from community discussion about the case.
Vegeu també
- MediaWiki:Revdelete-reason-dropdown (the list of reasons admins see when doing a revision deletion)
- Help:RevisionDelete on MediaWiki